
Monday, May 24, 2010

Coming Up Roses

We have been working very hard in the garden and it is bearing fruit (literally). The lemon tree is exploding with juicy lemons and we are filling bags of them!

We also have a gorgeous rose bush that is still blooming beautifully. We will get some more for the driveway in September when it is rose season again.

Our roses are attracting the attention of the local ladybirds. These lovely darlings are helping us get rid of aphids and add some more life and colour to our garden!

But this does not happen on its own! It takes a long time to till the soil!

We have also had to till the soil where the jungle-gyms were situated. We have removed all the concrete and the soil is ready for planting. However, we will have to wait for spring in order to plant the grass.

We have a lot of blisters at the moment, but all is ready for a beautiful garden in the making!

Bye Bye Willow

Our willow tree fell down on the night of Saturday 8 May 2010! It was the only tree from the front that we wanted to keep!

 The kitties think that it is Christmas though. Lots to play with.

The Keiths came around the following weekend to help us chop up the tree. Many hands make light work

Soon, there will be no evidence of the willow, besides these photos. But we will still have to rent a chainsaw to get the rest of it away. Poor willow!

Once Was Lost, But Now Am Found

We found the blender! The movers put it in the fish tank cupboard and never told us. We have not used the new fish tank yet so had no idea that it was in there... until now! Yay for smoothies :-)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't Buy Plastic Taps

Even when the hardware store says it is ok, don't buy plastic taps. If you do, you just might find a fountain in your kitchen pantry one evening!!! Here is our busted tap:
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